Hey it's Avery! Just going to share some things about the books I love.
-George RR Martin
Okay. So this is my first review and I just thought that I had to get my thoughts out here on this book. I am a HUGE fan of the Maximum Ride series and I read the series every year during winter...I know, kind of crazy...but this one was different. I was a little hesitant after hearing that there was going to be a new book to the series but my immediate reaction was excited. After it came out my spirits dropped considerably.
It has been about nine months since I read the book and it has taken me about nine months to get over it. Personally, I loved Nevermore and loved how it ended. Maybe for some people it wasn't closure enough but for me it was perfect. Max Ride Forever?? Not so much. I have hence blurred it from my memory and pretended it doesn't exist. And because of that blurring I have forgotten a lot of the details in the plot of Max Ride Forever, except for some glaring exceptions.
1. The fact that Akila, Jeb, Dr. Martinez, Ella, and all of the other people who were stuck in the underground tunnels just died.
2. Fang having to leave....Again.
3. Dylan still wanting to be with Max even though I thought he was over it.
4. Dylan's death (And you thought I forgot.)
5. Max getting pregnant!!! (Don't even get me started.)
Most of these I won't go into too much detail, but basically just understand that all of these things made my blood boil. Mainly I feel that a lot of the problems that were resolved in Nevermore resurfaced again in Forever and that made a lot of the book feel kind of repetitive. I can't explain how much I hate the fact that Max got pregnant but I still won't think too much on that. Too soon.
Overall I really, really disliked the book and I know that a lot of people liked it but I just can't. I loved how in Nevermore the earth was reborn in a new age just as Max was reborn into a new self. I feel like Forever took that new world and made it feel like a wasteland and horrible instead of beautiful and fit for the flock. I get that James Patterson wanted the new world to seem more realistic after the disasters but i was happy with the ending the series had originally. Who cares if it's somewhat unrealistic, so is the book's whole premise for crying out loud.
I still love the Max Ride series and I will still keep reading them but I just can't count Forever as part of the series. In my mind the series ended after Nevermore.
I hope this review was helpful and sorry for being kind of a downer. If you have any thoughts feel free to comment!
-Avery W.